No matter where you live in the United States, you’ll need insurance on your vehicle. The questions are, what kind and how much? The policy you need depends on the state in which you live and register your vehicle. For car insurance purposes, US states are in one of two categories: at-fault and no-fault states. Understanding the difference between these designations will help you select the appropriate auto insurance policy. South Carolina is an at-fault state; here’s what this means for you as a driver.
All About Fault (At-fault) States
Most states are “at-fault” states. This designation means that accidents involving two or more drivers hinge the liability for loss or damages on the driver at-fault. In other words, the driver who caused the crash is held responsible for paying the resulting costs. The insurance policy of the at-fault driver covers the bodily injury and personal property damage done to the other motorist. In South Carolina, the amount of the loss covered depends on how much of the accident was due to the at-fault driver’s negligence. If the damage exceeds the coverage limits of the at-fault party’s insurance policy, the other driver may sue to recover remaining expenses in court.
What do Fault States Require?
Fault states have legally mandated liability coverage laws which require all motorists with vehicles registered in that state to carry a minimum level of liability insurance. The amount that your liability insurance pays will also depend on the state in which you live. Insurance companies in different states will cover differing amounts depending on the relative negligence that they believe the at-fault driver displayed. Living in a fault state requires a minimum amount of liability insurance for every driver.
What is the Minimum Amount of Liability Insurance Required in South Carolina?
Insurance requirements differ from state to state. South Carolina requires minimum liability insurance of:
- $25,000 for bodily injury or death per person
- $50,000 total for bodily injury or death per accident
- $25,000 for property damage
What are the Benefits of Driving in a Fault State?
The benefit of living in an at-fault state and someone hits you, then they are responsible for paying for all damage that they may cause.
What are the Drawbacks?
On the downside, if you are hit by a driver who doesn’t have liability insurance or who doesn’t carry liability insurance sufficient to cover the damage to yourself or vehicle, you may have a problem. For this reason, South Carolina requires drivers to also purchase Uninsured Motorist (UM) protection in the same amounts as the required liability coverage. You may also want to consider adding Underinsured Motorist protection in case you are hit by a driver who doesn’t have sufficient insurance to cover the damages to you or your vehicle.
What is a No-fault State?
A no-fault state doesn’t necessarily send the bill to the at-fault driver. See more on No-Fault states here.
To speak with a licensed insurance agent about getting car insurance in South Carolina, call Upside Insurance today. We’ll walk you through getting quotes for the state-mandated car insurance coverage you need and help you explore other coverage types for additional protection. Working with an agent through Upside is free! Call or send us a message to get started.